a project for me
I watched a few videos about how to get started coding. They boiled down to these tips:
- start with html and css because websites are easy beginner projects
- then build the backend to learn about the whole stack
- follow a tutorial then pivot the end product to create your own product
- specialise in one area/language
- learn C to gain a deeper understanding of computer science
I have tried making my own projects (including this dying blog), but I was making things I thought might be useful to other people instead of something I could use.
Lately I’ve been watching esports tournaments and have found it frustrating to see spoilers in thumbnails as well as being spoiled by the duration left on the vods.
I would use a website or app that could link directly to vods of tournaments organised by day and show the video without showing how long it goes for. There is a product that already does this, eventvods, however it hasn’t been updating dota 2 games for a long time.
This d2-project aims to fulfill my need for background noise while completing tasks around the house or studying.
I will need to find out how to use the youtube or twitch apis to link videos andi pull data from tournament websites such as liquipedia.
I typed this using the Vim emulator extension in VSCode. It makes typing fun.